Pigeon Pick: The Little Gifter Co.
This month we asked long time Pigeon Lucy from Pigeonhole HQ to share with us favourite brand. She didn't even stop and hesitate and knew exactly what her pick was. She even titled her email 'THE SAVIOUR OF MY SKIN AND WALLET', yes, with all caps- we've definitely got a fangirl on our hands. Read on below to see what Lucy recommends!

The Little Gifter Co - Lucy's Brand Pick
In my last year or so of adult-ing, I’ve tried to change my consumer habits. Global warming fear has made me more conscious of the importance of supporting local suppliers, and the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified that consciousness tenfold.
One area that I’ve been focusing on in this reformation is my skincare range. I discovered facial oils a few years ago when I was experimenting with the beauty brand Herbivore, and they changed my skin-life. Back in 2014 I did a 6-month course of Roaccutane to clear up my hormonal skin, and I’ve honestly been suffering from the grossest, flaky dry skin ever since (which is a big Roaccutane side effect – be warned). Turns out that the molecules in oils are much smaller than the ones in moisturiser, and the result was that I found it much more absorbent and hydrating. Yay for me!
While I still la-love Herbivore, it is imported from America, which I couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty about. Plus, it has a big price tag- the Phoenix oil I use is $129.95 a bottle – worth it, but it can hurt my wallet.
Then at Pigeonhole started stocking a new brand- The Little Gifter Co.
The Little Gifter Co is a small-batch health and beauty brand, all handmade by the loveliest Perthian named Jess. Stored in glass (pretty and earth-friendly), all vegan ingredients and with no animal testing, all these products, there’s nothing to feel guilty about at all . Plus, their oil range was literally a quarter of the price of what I was using previously. As a Perthian myself and therefore loving those local vibes, I decided there was nothing to lose.
Another six months on and my wallet and skin honestly couldn’t be happier. Plus, my TLGC range has grown significantly too. The only issue that I have learnt the hard way and will pass on to you is that it sells out fast – and as it’s all handmade it can take a while before the next batch is ready. I’ve gotten around this by stocking up in doubles and triples. Would recommend that method to avoid having to go without.
My top picks:

This is my saviour oil that I used to replace my Herbivore Phoenix Oil with. At only $29.99 a bottle, I currently have one in use and two in storage and I still haven’t spent as much as I would have previously. Like with Herbivore, this oil is part of a trio, so you’ve got options to match your skin type. Packed with super-ingredients like Rosehip, Avocado and Squalene Oil, “NOURISHING” lives up to its name every day of the week. I personally use it twice a day.

While I have Nourishing Oil for my facial needs, I have this second bottle of goodness for my body. It feels as good as it looks & sounds – super luxurious, and in Jess’ words, “fit for a queen”. It’s super affordable at $39.99 for a 100ml bottle, which will last you ages. I personally use it after a shower or bath, but haven’t needed it every day. Maybe more of a 3-times-a-week thing. (Which is how much we’re showering during COVID lockdown anyway, right?) (JOKES) (but am I…).

This gorgeous little bottle contains the most amazing perfume, made up of scents of lemon, rosemary, basil and peppermint. Jess formulates each of the perfumes in her Precious Purpose Oil collection with a purpose (you know, if you didn’t get that from the name), and Omni’s purpose is all about mental clarity and healing. I’m not someone who really lives for “chakras” and “energies”, so what originally drew me to this product was more the beautiful scent and the clear quartz crystals embedded within it (which is also what the application roller ball is made of – so cool). The geologist in me LOVES that stuff, and since getting it I have actually given its “purpose” a go, applying it when I’m feeling cloudy or overwhelmed. Maybe it’s a placebo effect (I’m a big fan of those too), but I have found it really makes a difference. Would absolutely recommend.
Damn, are you as convinced as I am? Click here to view the full range of The Little Gifter Co. range!